Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Princess and the Frog Watch Free Movie Online Full Part 1

In New Orleans, a young girl known as Tiana and her mother are visiting the La Bouff household, where Tiana's mother is crafting a dress for the family's daughter known as Charlotte. Charlotte is really a lover of fairy tales, and Tiana's mother reads the two the story of "The Frog Prince." Although Charlotte is enamored with kissing a frog that becomes a prince, Tiana finds the thought disgusting. Upon returning home, Tiana assists her Father put together gumbo. As the meal is finished, her Father tells of his dream to one day open his personal restaurant. When Tiana eagerly chimes in that she wants to support, her Father claims they'll call it Tiana's Area. Upon seeing the North Star outside her window, Tiana makes a wish, to which her Father explains that wishing can only go so far, and that she must support that wish along. As time passes, holds onto the dream, even following her Father has passed away. Working two distinct jobs, Tiana spends practically all of her time working and saving to get a area, with little time for buddies or entertaining. One morning, she runs into Charlotte and her father. Charlotte's father, 'Big Daddy' La Bouff, may be known as King with the Mardi Gras (for the 5th year in a row), but Charlotte is tickled pink that a visiting Prince known as Naveen is in New Orleans. As Naveen is solo, Charlotte hopes to fulfill her wish of marrying a Prince and living Happily At any time After, and has invited him to attend a social perform at the ...

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