Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cradle of filth - Beneath the Howling Stars

Cradle of filth - Beneath the Howling Stars - Cruelty and the Beast Midwinter wrongs the rites of Spring Her spinal chill rakes the earth Whilst pensive souls at zero sing Woebetidings of rebirth Under cold stares of Mars maligned Near-suicides cross their hearts And unborns writhe in tepid brine For something wicked this way starts Beneath the howling stars Elizabeth, paragon of vice Watches the sun set pyres alight As Bane and Tyranny, Her Dobermans sleep Like spellbound paramours at Her feet A chatter of bells without Raise hellhounds, teeth on edge From sleighs hastened through snow lit red Guests espied from the garret ledge Great gloomy mirror tell Her face She will outblind them all That heavenly bodies would fall from grace To possess such a lustrous pall For beauty is always Cruel... For beauty is always... (Let destiny in chains commence... Damnation under Gods seeking recompense Enslaving to the whims of this mistress) As the dance ensued Elizabeth's mood Tempered by the craft of a vitreous moon In slick black iciness it grew To consume The wench Her tower tombed Tending to Her costume Bore the brunt of the storm When the needle askewed She has Her dogs maul the bitch's wrists through Restored to jaded bliss This evisceratrix Descended to the ball With painted blood upon Her lips Passing like a comet so white As to eclipse The waltz wound down, transfixed Devoid of all breath in the air Even Death paled to compare To the taint of Her splendour So rare and ...

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