Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Suddenly 11 S. 2

Suddenly 11 S. 2 Starring: Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Lindsay Cyrus, Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Ryan Sheckler and Jesse McCartney. Last time: Watch ep 10. Joe: Miley! (Runs to her and bends down to her) Ryan: Come on, dude. Let's get her out of here. Joe: (Picks her up) (They walks out in the car and gets in and drives home and walks in laying her on the couch) (A couple of hours later) Miley: (Opens up her eyes and sees Joe and Ryan over her and sits up) What happened? Ryan: Jesse knocked you out. Miley: (Nods) Joe: Are you okay? Miley: Yeah. (Stands up) Where is Lindsay? Joe: Upstairs playing. Miley: (Nods and her phone calls and picks it up) Hello? Demi: (Smiles) Hey, Miley. Miley: Who is this? Demi: It's me, Demi. Miley: OMG! I have missed you so much! How are everything back in LA? (Smiles) Demi: Awsom! How is it in New York? Miley: It's alright. (Giggles) Joe: (Watches her, a little jealous) Ryan: (Looks at him) I bet that's one of her secret boyfriends! Joe: Shut up, Ryan. You now that's a lie! (Looks at him) you think so? Ryan: Yeah, i mean, come on, look at her. Joe: (Looks at her) Miley: (Giggles while runs her hands through her hair) Demi: So is it okay if i stay with you? Miley: Yeah, of course. We can share bed like we used to before. (Giggles) Joe: (Looks at her shocked) Ryan: Sorry, man. (Pats his back) Miley: Okay, bye. (Smiles and hangs up and turns around looking at Ryan and Joe who is looking at her) What? (Sits down in the couch) Joe ...

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