Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pillow talk ... it is the reason

One of my favorite old movies is called .... pillow talk. With a beautiful but wholesome actress Doris Day. Doris was one of my favorite actresses when growing up. You can imagine my hearts delight when people likened me to her. As a small girl I would get close to the tv and watch every expression and I swore she lit up every room she entered! The movie itself is not where my emphasis lies. Simply the beauty of a wholesome woman who is delightfully funny and yes she can be stubborn as well. But boy is she adorable even when mad. Being a Christian I have felt others slowly stripping me of my natural beauty. My playfulness and child like heart often under their scrutiny. All of this reminds me of something I felt God put in my heart. Something that started to help me see His heart for us in a different way. A poem .. I laid my head upon the softness of my pillow my heart heavy fell deep asleep. I tossed and turned as the dawn of my dream stirred the beating of my heart with the rhythm of a singing bird. To thread my thoughts to this morning grace .. the echo of my heart misplaced. To dream this dream my savior said is more beautiful when they come true. More precious and honoring then what man could ever do. A smile .. and then a whisper by a mighty God saying to his daughter, wind swept and unashamed I am revealing a love without blame. I do not look upon you with spite yet I am calling you to another height. Smiling eyes too will be revealed the promise of my glory and ...

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