Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Battle of the Hearts ( A Nemi Story) Episode 16

........................... Demi's POV My date with Nick is tonight. I feel as if I have nothing to wear. So I'll call Selena and Miley so we can go shopping. Demi: Miley, I need a new dress. Miley: Why? Demi: Nick asked me on a date! Miley: Aww! I'll call Selena, we'll be there later. ............................... Demi: Nick? Nick: Yeah baby? Demi: I was thinking, maybe you should spend some time with the guys today. Nick: I'd rather spend more time with my beautiful wife. Demi: I'm going shopping for a new dress, plus I already called Kevin and Joe. *Smiles* Nick: Okay first of all you don't need a new dress, I would love you in anything, second of all I want to spend time with you to make up for the time I lost. Demi walks towards Nick and wrappes her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. She stands on her tippy toes giving him a long, sweet kiss. Things started to get more heated as Nick gently pushed her against the wall lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist. Joe: We're here! Oh, I think we'll come back another time. Demi:*Pulls away from Nick* No! Joe come back. Nick:*Sighs* No Joe go away. Kevin: Um maybe we should come back later, they're a little busy*Winks at Demi* Nick: Ugh! No it's fine, but Kevin, never wink at Demi again. Demi:*Kisses Nick* Miley just texted me, she's outside. Bye guys! Nick:*Watches her leave* Joe: Nick, you're still a pervert. Nick: Only with Demi. Kevin: So how are things going with you two? Joe: Uh did you ...

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