Wednesday, December 22, 2010

jemi story season 6 episode 5

Joe-(watches demi leave) nick-(talking to Joe) what the hell was that?! Joe-well i wasn't going to tell her it was my idea to come down here. nick-you amaze me you know that? Joe-well i do have that effect on people. kevin-it doesn't matter, your still in trouble with demi. Joe-i know! (sighs) let's Just go guys. (they left the hotel and went back to LA) with semi (selena had the store close for her and demi to shop) selena-(walks in and shakes hands with the store owner) hi (smiles) owner-(smiles back) hi. selena-nice to meet you. i'm selena gomez. and this is my friend and bridesmaid demi. demi-(shakes hand) nice to meet you. owner-no intro. i know who you girls are. my niece love you semi-aww thank you. owner-(talking to selena)congratulation. nick is cute selena-(laughs) thanks owner-so we have a few dresses that i think you will love... [selena looked through the racks of dresses and tried on the ones she liked when she found the one she fell in love with it she helped demi pick out her bridesmaid dress] the next day. semi left new york and went back to la demi-(just opened the door and sees gabby in her playpin in the living room. she smiles and walks over and picks her up) hey! (kisses her cheek) where's daddy? huh where's daddy? (giggles) lets go find him! (turns to walk away) Joe-(appears out of the kitchen) demi-(takes gabbys hand out her hair since she was playing with it and stares at Joe) hey. Joe-hi. awkward silence demi-um. i'm gonna go put her in her room ...

Tags : BestOnFriday Shoes Shopping

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