Friday, December 10, 2010

Untouched Episode 4

They all walked into Brenda's house. Nick never let go of Riley and Selena just smiled. Riley was watching tv and everyone talked. It was getting late and Nick was getting ready to leave. Standing in the door way of the front door-- Nick- *smiles and leans down and kisses Selena* Selena- *kisses back, giggling* I love you Nick- I'll be back tomorrow and the next day, and the next, the day after that. Brenda- *laughs* Ok, we get it lover boy. Riley- *covering her eyes* Ewwww, mommy daddy! Brenda- *laughs* Come Riley, time for bed. Riley- Ok, Aunty Benda. Nick- *picks up Riley and kisses her before he was about to leave* I will see you tomorrow Riley- *smiles* Pinky pomise? Nick- *smiles* Pinky promise Nick- *handed Riley over to Brenda* Brenda- *laughs* See you tomorrow lover boy *walking upstairs with Riley. Nick- *laughs and turns to Selena* So, we're finally alone. Selena- *looks up smiling* Your point? Nick- *grins* I can finally do this *cups Selena's face and kisses her passionately* Selena- *kisses back but then pulls away* You haven't changed one bit *smiles* Nick- *chuckles* I love you *closes his eyes and leans in to kiss again* Selena- *giggles* love you too *backs into the house and closes the door making him kiss the glass* Nick- *chuckles and walks off to his car smiling* The Next day-- Riley- MOMMY! WAKE UP! Selena- *opens her eyes* I'm up, I'm up Riley- *smiling* Daddy coming today! Selena- *smiles* Yes, he is. Riley- *jumping on the bed with her Doll in ...

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