Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cheerleading and Cheerleaders Dresses

Cheerleading is a very popular word in current world of sports. The popularity of cheerleaders and their cheering activities during the sports events are well known to every sports lover. Cheerleading has become a sport in itself now. Once started in schools, colleges and universities in United States, cheerleading has gained worldwide acceptance.

The tradition of cheerleading is very old. It started somewhere in United States during late 18th century as a way of encouragement for athletes during a championship. But official inception of cheerleading can be dated back to Nov. 2, 1898 at University of Minnesota. The person behind this concept of cheerleading was Johnny Campbell, a student of University of Minnesota.

It's really a wonderful experience for the audience present at stadiums to watch cheerleaders. The trademark dressing style that includes comfortable dresses for maximum physical comfort and open activities along with a pom-pom and exclusively designed bows are symbols of cheerleaders. Usually, their dresses resemble to their respective teams dress that they are supporting. The special appearance of cheerleaders is decided by the colorful and attractive hair bows worn by them. These hair bows are not just a part of cheerleading uniform. The hair bows are very important because they are very useful for cheerleaders. It provides support to their hairs during phase of excess physical excitement and activity along with that, hair bows create a style sense for cheerleaders making them stand apart in crowd. Cheerleaders take great precaution in choosing a hair bow because it directly affects their cheerleading performance, so they want to have comfortable, stylish, as well as the unique hair bows for them.

Earlier cheerleading was a show by male performers only. Every school, college and university used to have a team of male cheerleaders to encourage their players and crowd for supporting their favorite teams. Later girls started taking interest in cheerleading and started encouraging crowd by their singing, chanting, dancing and other activities. These days' females are dominating as cheerleaders in almost every sport. It's not only National Football League (NFL) or National Baseball League (NBL) where cheerleaders used to perform at every achievement by a team or individual players, now one can see cheering activities and dancing of cheerleaders in almost every sports including cricket too.

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