Wednesday, December 1, 2010

zanessa story ep 1

Dear Diary, Me and Zack have been dating for a while, I never really felt this way for anybody before. At first it had scared me but then he leaned in and I felt his soft lips go against mines I couldn't help but kiss back. Sometimes I think he just does that too shut me up but ha but hey I don't mine.. he can be a tease, sometimes.. but hey I am also good at that game. Well I have to get ready for our date.. Zack told me that he is taking me out to dinner so I am really excited to see where we going. Love Nessa x3 xoxo Vanessa Pov: I just got out of the shower I love the smell of roses weird, right well who isn't these days. I was still looking through my closet for a dress.. I was trying on dress by dress but still haven't found it yet. Then I saw a perfect black dress.. I never new it was their before but it was beautiful I knew Zack would love it. I carefully put on the dress.. I looked at me in the mirror and then I saw Zack staring at me.. I giggled and pushed him out. I was not completely dressed yet but he didn't want to leave the room so I gave up. I started to put on my make up. Zack looked at me carefully it was like he was examine me.. I was done with my makeup then I grabbed my purse that's when I heard Zack say Perfect. I blushed a light pink in my cheeks. -End of Pov- Zack: You look stunning. Nessa: Thank you baby -- pecks him on the lips- well you look handsome my prince. Zack- chuckles- Don't I always --smirks- Nessa- whatever -- rolls eyes- So where we ...

Tags : Shoes Shopping BestOnFriday

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