Monday, December 27, 2010

Talk About Crazy, Ep. 40

Episode 40 is in the houseee! LOL. One more episode till the SERIES FINALE! *I do not own anything in the vid, credit to those who do* Song: One Time (My Heart Edition) Justin Bieber ------------------------------------------ [Selena getting ready in her room] Selena's POV Moments like these, I cant help but feel like I'm dreaming. Could this be some kind of joke? Who would send me a bouquet of pink carnations with a ticket to prom attached? I want to believe this is real but I can help but think that I'm being played. I don't want to hurt anymore. I can't hurt anymore. That day in the hospital...I though he would come back. Well, I guess I thought wrong then because he didn't. Now, I see him everyday and I can't seem to stop myself from wondering why he didn't return. I thought he still loved me. I still remember...I had heard him say like those cheesy movies... please wake up...for me? I wanted to wake up so bad. For him. But my body wouldn't let me. Maybe he gave up on me? Is that it? Who is this Knight in shining armor anyway? What if he realizes that I'm not good enough? What if he gives up on me too? [Hours later, JoBros, Demi, Miley and Sel are in the Limo] Demi: GUYS! It's the moment we've all been waiting for! I can't believe we're going to a limo!! Miley: I know! Im so excited! Oh by the way Demi, I love your dress! Demi: (looks down at the plum purple dress she has on) Thanks Miles! I love yours too. (looks around at everyone) Aww, we look so pretty ...

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